Union Territory of
Jammu & Kashmir

The Jammu Kashmir Division plays a significant role in contributing to the formulation of government policies by providing valuable insights & research findings. The operational scope spans diverse sectors, harnessing its specialized
knowledge to guide policy formulation and tackle critical challenges. In seamless collaboration with industry bodies, the division actively spearheads research initiatives that not only push the boundaries of scientific understanding but also address tangible real-world issues. By fostering robust connections with both industry and government stakeholders, the division propels sustainable financial growth while fortifying relationships.

The division’s prowess lies in its a comprehensive approach towards policy advocacy, socio-economic development, and the empowerment of human resources for positive and impactful change. Through robust engagements with governmental bodies, industry stakeholders, and internal teams, the division serves as a vital link between research, policy, and practical application. In doing so, it broadens the impact of the Policy Advocacy Research Centre (PARC)

Vision Statement

To establish the Jammu Kashmir Division at the Policy Advocacy Research Centre as a beacon of knowledge, fostering inclusive and sustainable development in the region. We aspire to be a catalyst for positive socio-economic & socio-cultural development through rigorous research, informed advocacy, and collaborative Dpartnerships.

Mission Statement

To conduct cutting-edge research that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities in the region. We are dedicated to generating evidence-based insights and policy recommendations that contribute to informed decision-making and progressive governance. Our commitment extends to empowering local communities, fostering dialogue, and advocating for policies that promote social equity, economic development, and environmental sustainability. By engaging with diverse stakeholders, we aim to be a
trusted source of knowledge, driving positive transformations for the betterment of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and its people.

Key Functions of the Jammu Kashmir Division

Key Objectives of the Jammu Kashmir Division

Scope Of Work

Divisional Strengths

Research Work / Publications